GPPES Eligible Courses

Updated to include Fall 2020 Courses

(1) Core Requirements

Course NumberCourse NameInstructor
PA 188SUT Energy SymposiumKING, C
EER 396 / CHE 384T / ME 382Q-4 / MAN 385 / PA 388K / ME 379MEnergy Technology and PolicyWEBBER, M / TUTTLE, D / BEACH, F, BEAGLE, E


(2) Options

Course NumberCourse NameInstructor
LAW 397S / BGS 380 / CE 397 / ME 397 / PA 388K / EE 394VEnergy Development and PolicyADELMAN, D
LAW 396W / BGS 380 / EE 394JEnergy Development and PolicyADELMAN, D, BUTLER, J, HUMBLE, M.
LAW 441LEnvironmental LawADELMAN, D
LAW 379MLaw/Finance/Science: Global EnergyANDERSON, O
EER396Intl Petrol Concession/AgreeANDERSON, O
LAW 382F/GOV384NIntl Petroleum TransactionsANDERSON, O
LAW 390GGlbl Energy Trns Lgl/Fin/Sci PrspANDERSON, O
CE 397Urban Systems EngineeringFAUST, K
EE 395VRestructured Electricity MarketsBALDICK, R
EE 379K, EE 394VSmart GridBALDICK, R
IB 391 / MAN 385Dir Std Global Management UT/ChinaBEACH, F
FIN 294 8Financial Strategy for Energy FirmsBEACH, F
PA 680PBNew Electric Utility Business ModelsBEACH, F
ORI 390R 17 / ORI 397Decision Analysis / Decision Analysis IIBICKEL, J
ENM 383Strategic Decision & Risk AnlyBICKEL, J
ORI 390R18Decision EngineeringBICKEL, J
ME 388HNuclear Safety and SecurityBIEGALSKI, S
ME 390GNuclear Engineering LaboratoryBIEGALSKI, S
ME 388C1Nuclear Reactor Engineering / Nuclear Power EngineeringBIEGALSKI, S
PA388KSustainability Governance BIXLER, P
EER 396 / LAW 397S / PA 388KSolving Environmental ProblemsBROWN, J
PGE 381LAdvanced PetrophysicsBRYANT, B
PA 682GA & GBGreenhouse Gas Emission ReductionBUSBY, J
PA 388KEnvironmental SecurityBUSBY, J
PA 388KGlbl Environmental GovernanceBUSBY, J
FIN 394Financial Strategy for Energy FirmsBUTLER, J
EER 396Law/Fin/SCI: Glbl EnergyBUTLER, J
EER 396Energy FinanceBUTLER, J
PHY 398SSeminar High Energy TheoryCACERES, E
ME 388CNuclear Power EngineeringCHARLTON, W
ME 389FThe Nuclear Fuel CycleCHARLTON, W
ME 388NDesign of Nuclear SystemsCLARNO, K
PGE 383Subsurface Energy StorageDELSHAD, M
GEO 391Climate Change: Current LitDICKINSON, R
GEO 391Climate Systems DiscussionDICKINSON, R
GEO 387PClimate Systems PhysicsDICKINSON, R
LAW 397SElectric Power LawDIFFEN, R
EE 396VSolar Energy Conversion DevicesDODABALAPUR, A
MAN385Management Sustainability PracDOGGETT, J
STA 287Business Analytics and Decision ModelingDYER, J
LAW 397SInternational Petroleum TransactionsDZIENBOWSKI, J
PA 388KRenewable Energy TechnologyEATON, D
ARC 350RLight and Sustainable DesignFAJKUS, M
CE 397Urban Systems EngineeringFAUST, K
PA 388KPolitical Economy of Energy PolicyFLORES, A
PA 388KIntl Energy Policy/PoliticsFLORES, A
GEO 387PClimate System PhysicsFU, R
GEO 394RSCH In Climate PhysicsFU, R
ARC 386MRegenerative ArchitectureGARRISON, M
PA 388KEconomics, Innovation and SecurityGHOLZ, C
PA 682 GA & GBEnergy and SecurityGHOLZ, C
ME 388HNuclear Safety and SecurityHAAS, D
ME 390FNuclear Analysis TechniquesHAAS, D
ME397Renewable Energy TechnologyHALL, M
EER 396Energy FinanceHAHN, W
ECE 394JFundamentals of Power ElectronicsHANSON, A
ECE 394VPower Electronics Modern TopicsHANSON, A
LAW 397SEnergy Law and PolicyHAYS, J
LAW 397SSeminar: Env Impact Energy Dev/ProdHAYS, J
ACC 378, ACC 380KPetroleum ACC: Prin/Proc/ISSHAYS, J
PGE381LAdvanced PetrophysicsHEIDARI, Z
EE 394Power Electroncis Devices and SystemsHUANG, Q
EE 394VAdv Power Semiconductor DevicesHUANG, Q
IMS 385Identity Risk and Benefit analysis:KELLISON, J
GEO 383FSediment Strata Caicos PlatformKERANS, C
GEO 391Petroleum Basin EvaluationKERANS, C
PHY 398SSeminar High Energy TheoryKILIC, C
PA 682GBPlutonium for Energy: IssuesKUPERMAN, A
PA 388KNuclear nonproliferation PolicyKUPERMAN, A
GEO 386R / EER396 5Geology of Earth ResourcesKYLE, J
ME 389CNuclear Environmental ProtectionLANDSBERGER, S
ME 397Modern Trends in Nuclear and Radiation EngineeringLANDSBERGER, S
ME 397, ME 388SNuclear and Radiation EngineeringLANDSBERGER, S
ME 390TNuclear and RadiochemistryLANDSBERGER, S
ME 389CNuclear Environmental ProtectionLANDSBERGER, S
ORI 397Systems ModelingLEIBOWICZ,B
PGE 383Geothermal Energy TechnologiesLIVESCU, S
PGE 383Carbon Capture & StorageMOHANTY, K
EER 396 / PGE 383Energy FinanceMALIK, K
EER 396 / PGE 383 46International Petroleum Concessions / AgreementsMALIK, K
ME 386Q 14Electrochemical Energy MaterialsMANTHIRAM, A
ME 382RCombustion Engine ProcessesMATTHEWS, R
PGE 383Geothermal Energy TechnologiesLIEVESCU, S
ARC 386MSociety, Nature and TechnologyMOORE, B
LAW 397SEnvironmental Impact of Dev/ProdNIX, D
CE 397Energy Simulation in Building designNOVOSELAC, A
CE 397Building Energy Management SystemsNOVOSELAC, A
CE388HClimate Change MitigationNIYOGI, D
PA 393LEnvironmental/Resource Economics and PolicyOLMSTEAD, S
ECO 395K, PA 388KEnviron & Energy EconomicsOLMSTEAD, S
EER 396 / PGE 382Basic Geological Concepts for EngineersOLSON, H
PGE 383Applied Subsurface GeologyOLSON, H
CRP 383 / GRG 396T / LAR 385Environmental Impact AssessmentPATERSON, R
LAR 385Sustainable Sites InitiativePIERANUNZI, D
PGE 383Subsurface Machine LearningPYRCZ, M
PA 393L / EER 396Political Economy of Global EnergyRAI, V
PA 682GBConflict Int: Global solar IndRAI, V
EER 396 / PA393L / PA388K Innovation/Diffusion Energy TechnologiesRAI, V
PA 682GBSolar Indus Econ, Tech, PolicyRAI, V
PA 388KNetZero Carbon/ESG StrategiesRAI, V
CRP 383Environmental Policy and LawRAWLINS, R
CHE 384Greenhouse Gas Control TechnologyROCHELLE, G
FIN 397 43Energy Financial Risk ManagementRONN, E
ECO 395KEnergy and Environmental EconomicsRYAN, S
EE 394VAnalysis of Power Systems with Renewable Energy sourcesSANTOSO, S
EE 394Modeling and Simulation of Wind Power PlantsSANTOSO, S
EE 394LPower Systems ApparatusSANTOSO, S
ME 389FNuclear Fuel CycleSCHNEIDER, E
PGE 383 62Energy and the EnvironmentSHARMA, M
ME 381RNanoscl Energy Transp/ConverSHI, L
LAW 390 / LAW 397SOil and Gas LawSMITH, E
LAW 379MWind LawSMITH, E
LAW 279MTexas Energy LawSMITHERMAN, B
PGE 383Geothermal/Sustainable Energy ResearchSONG,W
MKT 382Business and the EnvironmentSONNIER, G
EER 396 / LEB 380 31 / PA 388KEnergy LawSPENCE, D
EER 396Regulating Energy MarketsSPENCE, D
LEB 380Energy Law Reg Energy ProductionSPENCE, D
MAN 385/LAW 396W/PA 388K/ES 397Energy Ventures Practicum/Spec Subjects in EngineeringWEBBER,M/BALES, M/PRICE,M
CE 397Water and EnergyWERTH, C
CE 397Water and Energy Processes 
CE 397Food/Energy/Water Systems SeminarWERTH, C
LAW 397SWind Law / Texas Wind LawWETSEL/DEWOLF
ARC 386MEnergy Modeling and Design ProceduresWHITSETT, D
ARC 386MSolar Geometry and Energy Flow in BuildingsWHITSETT, D
ARC 386MEnergy Flow in BuildingsWHITSETT, D
CE 397Renewable Energy/Environmental SustainabilityXU, Y
GEO 391Fundamentals of Geothermal Energy SystemsWISIAN, K/ROSS, M
GEO 387HPhysical ClimatologyYANG, Z
CRP 383Sustainability History and PracticeYOUNG, R
CRP 383Green Cities: Creating the Living CityYOUNG, R
CRP 383Resource Management / RecyclingYOUNG, R
ME 397Nanotechnology for Sustainable EnergyYU, G
PA 388KEnergy Policy/Economic IssuesZARNIKAU, J
ECE 394VData Analytics in Power SystemsZHU, H
ECE 394JPower Systems Operations & ControlsZHU, H



  1. The courses listed above have been accepted by the Faculty Steering Committee of the Graduate Portfolio in Energy Studies (GPPES) as meeting the requirement for approved energy-related coursework. Other energy-related courses may count towards the requirement, at the discretion of the GPPES Graduate Advisor. Students are encouraged to submit their own lists of courses to the Graduate Coordinator, who will consult with the GPPES Graduate Advisor as to their suitability.
  2. Only graduate level courses may count towards the coursework requirement. Some departments allow senior undergraduates to take graduate level courses, typically under a separate unique course identifier. These courses are acceptable provided the student registers under a graduate level unique identifier.
  3. Registration in any course is at the discretion of the instructor, who may refuse registration to any student.
  4. The list has been updated to reflect recent course schedules and includes courses that have been taught since the spring semester of 2012. No guarantee is given that any given course will be offered in future. Students should check the accuracy of the information with the course instructor.
  5. McCombs Practicum courses or LBJ PRP courses may be eligible but they must be strongly energy related and need to be pre-approved by the GPPES Advisor